
Friday, January 28, 2011

Our secret- A Rag Bag pillow

I love this little chair - a tag sale find that fits perfectly in our mud room. But the big secret I'm letting you in on is this: the cushion is also my rag bag.
Try this creative move yourself to get a cute, soft cushion and a place to store your cleaning rags when you're not using them.

To do this:
Pick fabric: Choose fabric you like. You may have a tablecloth you no longer use because of a stain, a beach towel, curtains, etc. Check your local thrift store as well for fabric possibilities.
Sew it: Using a pillow case for a model, cut and sew to form the two sides and bottom of a simple bag. Don't forget to leave the top open! Stuff the pillow with cleaning rags ( I cut up worn towels), fold the top flap over, and hide the flap beneath the bag.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

More hot glue and silverware

Why stop with the walls? (See my previous post) You may also want to use a hot glue gun to attach items to a door...


                       or over a doorway!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Make a Wallboard Organizer

It feels good to have a place to keep things in order!

These wall boards are easy to make from cardboard. (Like those moving boxes in the basement!)

To make your own:
  • Determine the size board you want and cut two pieces of cardboard to that size. Two makes the board thick enough to handle thumbtacks and pins.
  • Tape the pieces together using duct tape.
  • Cover board with fabric (I used canvas and burlap). Use duct tape or a staple gun to attach fabric to board. 
  • Hang the board: For the smaller board, I used upholstery tacks to attach ribbon to the back of the board. I hung it from an over-the-door wreath hanger. I used a staple gun to attach three hooks to the back of the large board. These hang on three upholstery tacks nailed in the wall.
  • Get organized!  You may want to make labels for the different tasks that need your attention. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

From Light Switch to Office Sign?

I ordered this great looking light switch from Anthropologie but it doesn't fit my switch! I would love a little sign for my office...Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Look for Kitchen Backsplash

Isn't this about the time resolutions go awry? I have some catching up to do!

Stamps purchased from Ballard Designs and an ink pad give a new look to my kitchen tiles.
Purchase or borrow stamps and an ink pad (I used black). Plan out the pattern. Keep a wet paper towel nearby so you can easily wipe off and try again to get look you want.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hot Glue Silverware

Whip out your hot glue gun and go to town. I added old silverware here and there to the wall border in my kitchen. To do this project, look for interesting flatware at thrift shops or garage sales. Add a bit of glue to the areas where the flatware touches the wall and hold for 15 seconds or so until the glue cools.

Click here for more hot glue gun ideas

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sketch Your Travels

I painted a sketch of a recent trip.
To do this, purchase a watercolor sketchbook that fits easily into your traveling gear. Use a pencil to sketch the different memories of your trip into a collage. I get ideas from guidebooks found in hotel rooms, newspapers, and brochures. Use watercolors and a black felt tip pen to add color and narrative to the page that captures the adventure.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mudroom Labels

Here is the finished look for my January 6th idea- I found the holders at a craft store and printed new labels on a sheet of the tea-dyed paper.
                                                  He said, "Has this sign always been here?"

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tea Dyeing Paper

For yesterday's and future projects, I needed a supply of antique-looking paper. To make it, I added copier and card stock paper to a pan that contained a kettle's worth of boiling water and six family size tea bags. After a few minutes, I took the sheets out of the dye and arranged them to dry flat on towels. I now have a nice stack of "old" paper.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Update Needed for Mudroom Labels

I'm tired of straightening these little frames in our mudroom. I have an idea but lack supplies. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gifts For Paris-Bound Friend

Today is Tina's birthday! Since she is going to France in June (cross fingers), I gathered a few things she might need...

A Paris guidebook, a flashy passport cover and luggage tag, an Eiffel tower bookmark, French wine, and petite cupcakes from our new little shop in town, My Little Cupcake. Bon Anniversaire!

To package the goodies, I used a shopping bag from a girl's favorite place to buy lingerie and relabeled it - Ooo-La-La!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Scotch Taped Skirt

15 minutes before the Christmas Eve service, I cut off a long skirt I bought at a consignment shop and hemmed it with scotch tape. Tonight it got a proper hemming.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bread For My Monkeys

I used the bread machine to make Monkey Bread for my little troop.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Card Designing

I made a card for my sister-in-law commemorating a trip to NYC with our girls.I sealed it up and sent it before taking a pic.