
Friday, January 28, 2011

Our secret- A Rag Bag pillow

I love this little chair - a tag sale find that fits perfectly in our mud room. But the big secret I'm letting you in on is this: the cushion is also my rag bag.
Try this creative move yourself to get a cute, soft cushion and a place to store your cleaning rags when you're not using them.

To do this:
Pick fabric: Choose fabric you like. You may have a tablecloth you no longer use because of a stain, a beach towel, curtains, etc. Check your local thrift store as well for fabric possibilities.
Sew it: Using a pillow case for a model, cut and sew to form the two sides and bottom of a simple bag. Don't forget to leave the top open! Stuff the pillow with cleaning rags ( I cut up worn towels), fold the top flap over, and hide the flap beneath the bag.

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